
Front Title
We conform to the requirements of the latest quality process standards set by the International Standards Organization.

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We seek to manage its environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability.

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We encompass all aspects of responsible business practice, covering Sedex’s four pillars of Labour, Health and Safety, Environment and Business Ethics.

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We certify the safety and cleanliness of a finished product and its components. Our products are free of high levels of harmful substances known to be dangerous to humans and the environment.

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We ensure the limited use of toxic bleaches, formaldehyde, dyes, and other chemical inputs during the production process of textiles by enforcing strict social and environmental standards.

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We recognize the fundamental importance of recycling & we aim to encourage the reduction of resource consumption i.e. virgin raw materials, water & energy by increasing the quality of recycled products.

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We responsibly source products, services, materials and components. It sets clear expectations and ways of working for environmental, social and working conditions, as well as animal welfare.

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We demonstrate to our customers that we care about the manufacturing chain from the management of the forest to the finished wood product.

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We ensure smooth functioning of the supply chain, embed responsible sourcing practices into buying decisions, and engage in initiatives to enhance supply chains.

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We are certified by Facility and Merchandise Authorization (FAMA) and our branded products are made & handled at a certified facility.

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